Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bad Blogger, Bad.

So, I know I've been absent. I swear I have an excuse. See, I got this puppy. He's really cute and fluffy and precious, but he's a freakin' crazy man inside. He tinkles (and by tinkle I mean pee) where ever he deems appropriate and chews on anything. So every five seconds J and I say "where's the pup?" In mid sentence even. Ugh. So, the bags under my eyes are the only new thing that I have to show for last week and this past weekend.

We did get to enjoy a wonderful Saturday evening with J's parents, his sister, and her hubby. Her blog has all the photos and what not. She is the photo taker of the family (and her pops) so she documented the night very well.

We brought the pups to the vet this morning for Foster's check up and other things and Sam's first check up with our vet. Everything went great and J picked them up at lunch. The vet did say that Foster needs to lose 10 pounds. Yea, me too. We've been bad parents because even though he eats the minimum amount of food a day, we don't exercise him like he needs. So, since my fat butt needs to get in shape, too, we're walking. I love dusk, it's the most magical time of day, especially in the summer, so that's our walking time. I'll keep you updated.

I should have an Etsy Finds post tomorrow, but don't hold your breath. I'd hate to be responsible for you passing out. The reason I might not have it done is because I have a date with about 6 hot chicas tomorrow to see Eclipse and have chips and salsa. If only I could watch the movie and eat chips and salsa at the same time; a girl can dream. I will have a fun Homefront update for you on Thursday, so keep your eyes peeled for that little nugget of goodness.

For now, I'm tired. Peace.

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