Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This photo has nothing to do with this post. I just love it. My brother and I a million years ago.

I'm so sorry for the blog absence. I have been without a camera. Our digital one that my lovely sister-in-law loned to us has pooped out. I went to turn it on one day and it was fine, even took a couple of photos. Then, it turned off, but the lens didn't close like it normally would. We changed the batteries and nothing worked! So, I'm going to try to fix that guy and hopefully be back in blogging buisness. I'm also going to take some photos with my film camera and get those developed and see what I come up with! I'll continue with Etsy finds for tomorrow and try to share some photos from the past couple of weekends (from other's cameras). We will have a Friday List Love, because lists make everything better!!

Thanks for hanging in there! You guys rock!!

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