Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend Update

This weekend:

My friend Laura and her husband had their second baby girl, Eleanor Holden Robinson. Precious beyond belief.

Ate supper with my parents and siblings. Laughed, chatted, and spoke of gin and Zoolander. Lovely as always.

Breakfast with Brother, and Jer at the Farmer's Market Restaurant. Think biscuits, country ham, sweet tea, and a rising cholesterol.

Moved Christie and James into their new apartment. Read: hot sweaty fun mess.

Had a World Cup party at Dom and Joel's and watched the US tie England (lame).

Served in the nursery at church. I love two year old kids. Seriously, it's not the terrible two's, its the three's you gotta watch out for. They're crazy. Crazy as straws.

Enjoyed lunch with a couple that makes me laugh, out loud. Adam and Kaitlyn, you're hilarious.

Spent some relaxing time at Jer's parents house for Sunday supper. Aaah, summer is settling in nicely.

Dreaded Sunday night because Monday morning brings the 9-5. Slept soundly, as always.

Busy weekend, but lots of time spent with family, friends, and the dog. Plus, we welcomed a new baby into this world. I am truly blessed.

1 comment:

Kaitlin Neal said...

haha thanks for the shout out! we had a blast! definitely have to do that again!