Friday, July 2, 2010

Loss of Faith...

In humanity.
There are times when people are mean. Just mean and immature. I should be in a great mood: it's my favorite day, a long weekend is ahead, and the weather is great! However, because of some people that surround me, I am tired and pissed off. I just don't understand how some people refuse to be sweet and kind, like we're called to be. The Lord calls us to love each other and have compassion and respect for our fellow man. This week and today, multiple times and from different people, I have seen a complete void of love.
I am fighting it though. Even though I'm defeated inside, I'm still presenting a cheery front so that evil does not win. I will not let a couple of insensitive people cause me to be insensitive to someone else. No one deserves that.

I am thankful that God's mercies are new each morning. Tomorrow will be a fresh day and hopefully much kinder.

With that, I hope you all have a wonderful, safe, and fun weekend celebrating this great nation of ours that allows people to be as mean or as happy as they want. I hope you'll choose the latter!

Happy 4th of July!!

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