Monday, September 8, 2008


This is why I love my FAMILY. I am constantly greeted in the same manner pretty much everyday. When I get home, my pup Foster, affectionately known around the homestead as "The Bud", greets me. Now, there are many different ways that he does this. If I get home from work early, he is groggy and has NO clue why I'm home. This greeting is almost like I've invaded his privacy and it takes a minute for me to a) find him (hiding in the guest bathroom) and b) to get him to wiggle waggle mode. For those not in "the know" (anyone other than Jer and I) wiggle waggle is when Foster gets so excited that his body cannot keep up with the demand of his rear as he wiggle and waggle's his tail-end excitedly. However, if I get home at a normal time he is right there in my face, wiggling and waggling, with an expression on his face that says, "I'm so glad you're home." Also, a little bit of "Take me out NOW, woman!" Either way, it is a nice thing to come home to.

This is the darling face I get to see when I step through our door.
Then there's the husband's greeting. I'm either running around cleaning, watching TV, or on the computer so The Bud is the first to get to Jeremy when he walks in. And while Jeremy loves all the wiggles and waggles, he still says hi to me first. It goes a little something like this, hit it:
Jeremy: Hi Wife!
Me: Hi Baby!
(smooch smooch)
Jeremy: Hi Bud. (scratching furry white tummy and chest, kisses on the head, loves all around)
more smooches between me and the hubs and us and the Bud continue.
These are my favorite greetings. The ones you get when you walk in the door from a day at work that may or may not have been pretty crappy. I mean wouldn't everyone much rather be at home with the loves of your lives than at work? I would.

1 comment:

Kelsi said...

Your pup is absolutely adorable!! Seriously, what is it with the guest bathrooms? That is where Sam likes to do his naps during the day too ... so funny!! So when is the doggy play date??