Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ode To The Bud

Dearest Foster,

Thank you for being so kind. When I was sick last week you stayed by my side and licked me occasionally to show love. You are always ready to play fetch well, unless you're watching your "stories" in which case you look at me like I've suggested a run or something. And even though you chewed up my blue suede peep toe pumps, I still love you. I love when we have snuggle time on the bed with daddy (Jeremy to me) and when you're done with us and you hop down and lay on the cool bathroom tile. You are my son because we have the same hair color and eye color. I love you Bud.



A Chronological look at Foster:

The photo that was online where I found my little Bud. He was rescued from the woods in South Carolina. This was him weeks old. Needless to say, I fell in love. And as soon as I sent these photos to Jeremy at work, his reaction was "Crap. Well I guess we're getting a dog." He was in love too.

Another one from South Carolina. So dern cute!

This is the day we brought him home. We named him Foster right here in Stacy's apartment.

This is how he used to sleep. On the shelf under the coffee table with his head hangin' off. I mean how can you not love this kid?

My Boys.


The Rookie said...

mkay...i still haven't made the blog!

Kelly Via said...

Awe, Foster is a really cute doggy...and also a very big doggy. I didn't know you guys rescued him, that's a sweet story (and I guess explains the name Foster, right?) You are so funny writing an Ode to your doggy...