Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Family...

More people I love...

Boys making quite akward faces...seriously, those are terrifying. Front to back: My love, Andrew, Taylor, Caleb, and Dan.

Girls are much prettier. Front to back: Christie, Anna (sister), Laura, Meredith. My dears.

Morgan (known this chick since birth) and Nathan (her handsome boyfriend who has a bro-mance going with my husband) with us at the Durham Bulls Game this spring for Jer's 25th birthday.

There are just so many people in our lives that we love dearly. You'll see them all on this blog once I can get a digital camera that works!! Film is expensive, although the photos are goregous.

The person I love the most however, is Jeremy Francis Morin. That's right, Francis. I love his middle name, it's so Italian, like him. Here are just a fraction of the reasons I love my husband:

1. He is goregous.

2. He waited to have sex until his wedding night. He saved that moment just for me, and I saved it just for him.

3. He always covers his eyes during boobie shots in movies, he knows I'd cover them anyway.

4. He always makes me feel beautiful, celluite and all.

5. He loves me like God loves the Church, just like he's supposed to.

6. He lets me pay him with kisses for cutting my hairs (that's right he cuts all of 'dem).

7. He likes all the same movies, music, YouTube vidoes and tv as I do. And he'll watch Bon Qui Qui over and over with me because he knows that if he didn't I WOULD CUT HIM!

8. He can make me laugh anytime of the day no matter how bad of a mood I'm in.

9. The other night before falling asleep he steam rolled me. This is not some weird sex position, it is simply that he rolled over and over me almost crushing my ribs. This annoyed The Bud so he jumped up on the bed and began licking us until we stopped.

10. He is my personal Noah Calhoun (The Notebook, as if I should even have to write that) and any other perfect romantic movie hero you can think of.

11. God sent him to me to protect and care for me, which he does non-stop everyday.

12. He makes faces like this in pictures when I think he's smiling. Jerk. Hot Jerk.

13. He laughs when I fart.

14. He talks about our children (not ready just yet) and dreams about what they'll be like with me.

15. He got this excited when we were finally married!

My two favorite photos from our blessed day.

Well folks. That's it for today. I just worked out with my trainer for the first time and I know it's going to take me at least 20 minutes to shower because my dern arms are still shaky. Thanks a lot Billie.


Kelly Via said...

I loved reading these top reasons that you love your hubby. They were very sweet, and they say a lot about you and your marriage.

I can totally see Jeremy making faces all the time when you think he is smiling for the picture. I love the rock on wedding shot too. totally you guys!

The Rookie said...

so fun that you're posting now! I love the pictures :)

Nicole Cockerham said...

So...I love the reasons you posted for loving your husband! I have to say that I love Bruce for many of the same reasons you listed...especially #9 and #13. I mea he does love me like Christ loves the church but I just had to point out those out. The other morning Bruce looked at me and said, "Sorry." At first I thought he farted, but I looked at his face and just knew it was coming! I said, "No." and tried to jump out of the bed but he grabbed me and then steamed rolled me! We also wrestle and try to push each other off the bed too. That's always fun! I love hearing about how things are going with you guys!