Saturday, October 10, 2009

Anti-Anti Bacterial

I'm sure that some of you have heard of this debate over anti-bacterial soap.  There is talk that a chemical found in most anti-bacterial soaps is not breaking up and ending up in our rivers, oceans, and waterways as it goes down our drains.  There have been quite a few studies that have shown that regular soap (bars of soap, those cute french milled hand soaps, etc) cleans hands just as well as the newer anti bacterial soaps.

There is a blog that I just started following this week (young house love) that I have really become a follower of.  The couple is great and they have wonderful advice for renovating a house and decorating.  Anyway, Sherry, one half of the blog team, has a brother who is going through grad school at Columbia for chemistry and they got to talking about this topic and she shared what his take was on this.  Read that here.

I have recently banned anti bacterial soap from our house for a couple of reasons:
1.  I ran out a couple of months ago and have not restocked (this is beside the point).
2.  I've read about these debates and have gotten concerned for my family's health (ridding our bodies of good bacteria) and our environment (Falls Lake is toxic enough without more help from these soaps).
3.  My mom bought me a lovely assortment of soaps from Crabtree and Evelyn a couple of Christmases ago and I'd love to use them in our bathrooms.

So, what do you think?

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