Sunday, June 14, 2009

Faith Like a Child, Rest Like a Dog...

So today at church my friend, Smooth, spoke in place of our lead pastor.  I love hearing Smooth speak.  He always tells the best stories that tie into the scripture that he's using at that time. Today he spoke of rest.  We as sinners and ignorant people think that rest is simply sitting around watching re-runs of America's Next Top Model.  And while that is relaxing, it doesn't give us the peace that we so desperately need.  God wants us to rest in Him.  If we are faithful and loving toward God he will provide the peace our soul needs.  I, as I always am, was convicted.  I need to stop thinking about cutting things out of my life to provide peace.  I need to invite the One who will bring me rest into my life.  I need more of Him, not less of other things.  Don't get me wrong, you have to take care of your physical health and rest.   But that doesn't mean that you can drop service projects or volunteer responsibilities just because you need a break.  Ask God for the rest and He will provide when the time is right.  

I thank you God for the rest and peace that you give.  I don't deserve it, but I welcome it with open arms.  I apologize for not trusting You and Your plan for me.  I'm a fool to think that I've got it figured out.  

So, I'm sure you heard to have faith like a child.  Well, have rest and peace like a dog.  Take Foster for example.  He doesn't worry about food, he trusts that we will feed him.  He doesn't worry about his weight, he trusts that we will walk him and take him outside.  Foster doesn't cry when we leave, he knows and trusts that we will come back.  I wish I could trust as much as my pup because my Father has proved himself time and time again.  I have no reason not to. My prayer for all my friends and family is that they may find peace and rest knowing the Lord has our best interest in His heart and hands.  

Peace be with you...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow. great example about Foster. I wish I had thought of that. That's exactly right. I love you guys. You're awesome.

Also, Jeremy. It's hilarious how many things that annoy you also annoy me. Thanks for the good laugh.

Also, Also: the "word verification" on blogger, for me to make this post looks like "diarrhea." strange choice.
