Friday, January 9, 2009

Photos and Words

So it's been quite awhile since I've (Erin) blogged.  I hate that because I love sharing photos, stories, and all kinds of shenanigans with whomever will stand to read.  My husband has an amazing way with the written word and he blogs often which is a treat.  I love to read his thoughts.  I must say "ditto" to everything he said about the amazing trip we took with family to FL over the holiday.  Here are some photos I've had for quite some time and only just got them developed.  Thanksgiving in Kentucky pics to come...

My beautiful baby and my dusty table.

A close up of my grandmother's drawings.

Our bookshelves.  Complete with my Grandmommie's amazing fashion drawings from her days at Meredith, Jeremy's pipe collection, and of course, books.

Wrapped presents and such: brown craft paper, wax seal, chocolate brown ribbon, vintage stamps, a street map of NYC, and tags made up the theme this year.

Foster not interested in wrapping presents...

goodnight moon (you sure are a show off tonight).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, Foster is a cute dog!

The End.
