Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Heart Breaks

There are many things in this world I don't understand. One thing that has plagued me since childhood is animal cruelty. Jeremy will tell you, I cannot watch National Geographic shows that even show the "circle of life." When I was child I used to cry when a horse would fall in a war movie and I sobbed when Old Yeller was killed. I just have a huge heart for animals and their well being. Awhile ago I heard about the Taiji dolphin slaughters that occur every year in a small bay in Japan. These horrific whalers and fishermen trap whales and dolpins in a bay and net off the only way out. Then they proceed to slaughter the mammals with harpoons as the water turns blood red. Witnesses have said that the water is so thick with blood you could dip a paint brush in it and be able to paint a deep red onto a canvas. As I write this my eyes are filling with tears again because I cannot believe this happens. This is not the circle of life. This is humans taking their power over these animals and making a profit. Not only does this cruelty happen to the dolphins and whales but most often their meat (which is soaked in mercury because of contaminated waters) is then sold in markets and used in school lunches!!! Can you believe this?? I have sent out an email to almost everyone I know about a petition against Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart actually has a hand in the Japanese market that sells this meat. I am no longer shopping at Wal-Mart (there are many other reasons not to shop there, too). If you want to sign the petition I will post the link below. Water is a part of me as much as my arms and legs are. The animals that inhabit the world's oceans and seas should be left to live as they have forever. I am so sick of animal cruelty and this is one cause that I'll not forget or let slip to the back of my mind. Thanks for joining in the fight. Peace.

A fisherman's boat in the bloody waters of the small bay in Taiji Japan.

An arial shot of the bay where so many cetaceans are killed each year.

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